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a) The Group Share
Profit and loss
funds – equity
At 1 January 2004 – as previously stated 554 289 145 422 113 1,523
Prior year adjustment (2) (2)
At 1 January 2004 – restated 554 289 145 422 111 1,521
Rights Issue 183 103 286
Profit for the financial year 94 94 (39)
Exchange differences on retranslation of net investments (39) (39)
Dividend proposed (37) (37)
At 31 December 2004 737 392 145 422 129 1,825
b) The Company £m £m £m £m £m £m
At 1 January 2004 – as previously stated 554 289 145 415 245 1,648
Prior year adjustment (2) (2)
At 1 January 2004 – restated 554 289 145 415 243 1,646
Rights Issue 183 103 286
Profit for the financial year 83 83
Dividend proposed (37) (37)
At 31 December 2004 737 392 145 415 289 1,978

The share premium account, capital redemption reserve and capital reserve are not distributable.

The application of UITF 38 (Accounting for ESOP trusts) has required the investment in International Power's own shares to be reclassified in the balance sheet as a deduction from shareholders' funds.

A number of International Power plc Ordinary Shares are held in Employee Share Ownership Trusts (ESOTs). These shares are held by the ESOTs to meet awards made under a number of employee share plans (see note 23). At 31 December 2004, the ESOTs held a total of 3,607,734 International Power plc Ordinary Shares (2003: 3,003,312). At 31 December 2004, the market value of these shares was £5,492,775 (2003: £3,709,090). The maximum number of shares required to meet all outstanding awards (assuming full vesting of those awards) as at 31 December 2004 was 7,772,077 (2003: 4,649,228).

The cumulative amount of goodwill set off to reserves prior to the adoption of FRS 10 on acquisition of subsidiary undertakings is £95 million (31 December 2003: £95 million). £124 million (2003: £143 million) of the Company's profit and loss reserve is not distributable as it arose from unrealised gains on intra-group transfers.

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